Do something amazing…with Australian Fundraising!!!

by | May 13, 2021

We have a very special guest on The Sports Show this week. Robert Gaydon is one of the directors of Australian Fundraising – a company that has raised over a hundred million dollars for schools across Australia over the last twenty years.

Last Thursday, I was accompanied by Rebel FM’s Ash & Jodie at one of Australian Fundraising’s signature fun run events: Slime Spectacular. The event at Worongary State School has already raised over $30,000 with online fundraising continuing.

Any school/sports club that wants to raise funds for equipment/charity…in fact anything… can make contact with Australian Fundraising and Robert et al will do the rest. Your school/club will receive your designated fundraising coach and the team will help you to raise thousands of dollars. Plus, the event will provide something that your school or club will never forget.

Whether you choose to have ‘the slime of your life’, where teachers and students get to slime each other incessantly; or you decide on the colour explosion, the event will paint lasting pictures for everyone involved.

Australian Fundraising provides a secure online fundraising platform for all – and they provide awesome prizes for all fundraisers that raise over $10.

As a former teacher back in the UK, the uniqueness and somewhat unprecedented approach to fundraising is something that impresses me incredibly.  We would work tirelessly in schools in the run up to fundraising events – usually to raise around $1000. Don’t get me wrong, any funds raised for the school or charity would be most welcomed. However, Australian Fundraising ensure that the stress and pressure is taken off the organisers. Further, they make it possible to raise significantly more than $1000!

Over 57,000 schools and clubs across Australia have already utilised this unique service, with one school raising over $72,000 – simply astonishing.

Another school averaged $744 per student.  Whether your club/school has twenty, two hundred, or two thousand members, the potential to set fundraising records is obvious!

What we love about this company here at The Sports Show is that many of the events initiated encourage the participants to get active. The fun run courses are often set up on school playing fields and everyone participates. However, if you fancy a different fundraising event as a reward for the fun run effort, then why not try ‘Billy G’s Cookie Dough’? Another incredible initiative from Australian Fundraising which is Australia’s favourite fundraising event. Here you can order from ten different flavoured doughs and get your students/club members making their own cookies: delicious!!!


Contact Australian Fundraising here and start your amazing fundraising journey today!